Nepravidelná slovesa v praxi.
Zde si můžete procvičit několik nepravidelných sloves v ukázce z jednoho příběhu.
took [tuk] = vzal
saw [só] = uviděl
thought [sót] = myslel
was [vas] = byl
had [hed] = měl
said [sed] = řekl
sat [set] = posadil
got up [gotap] = vzbudil se
went [vent] = šel, jel
bought [bót] = koupil
put [put] = položil, dal
were [vent] = byli
left [left] = odešel
Tom took his smartphone and checked his e-mail application. Among the unread e-mails he saw a new order. “Great,” Tom thought, “this is an order from a new customer. He opened the e-mail and saw two products. He scrolled down and saw even more products. He was sitting on a couch in the living room and he had a big smile on his face.
Tom continued scrolling down. He was looking at the screen when he saw the third product. “Two products are great but three products are even better,” Tom thought and continued scrolling down. Then he saw fourth, fifth and sixth product.
Tom was not a businessman. He had not studied economy school and he didn’t wear business clothes. He was glad every time he received an order of his products. But six products - it was really something.
His girlfriend prepared mozzarella cheese, tomatoes and bread. “Now. Let’s eat. Dinner is ready,” she said. On the table was mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, bread and tea. They sat down at the table.
In the morning Tom got up and went by bus to a supermarket. He felt nervous. In front of a supermarket was a milk vending machine. Tom bought half a litre of fresh milk. Then he went to the supermarket and bought some groceries. He bought cheese, rolls, tomatoes and a protein bar so he wouldn’t be hungry during the day in his office. Before he left the supermarket, he stopped by the coffee machine.
Tom went back and bought cappuccino. Then he sat down on a bench and opened the bottle of fresh milk and poured it into his cappuccino.
His office was on the fourth floor of a high office building. Tom arrived at his office and opened a window. He looked out of it and saw a street, some trees and a small hill far away. He put his bag on one of the five chairs. Two of them were reserved for his students. Tom had three maps on the walls which he used in his teaching. The first was a map of the world, the second was of the United States and the third was a local map.
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